BYC Fitness Foundation Courses
Yoga Teacher Training
course for Wellness

Syllabus for Yoga
Teacher Training course for Wellness
3 month ( 3-5 days in a week)
Timings on call
Introduction :
Three months part-time teacher training course is conducted online & offline. All classes are conducted in Hindi. It is a basic Yoga teacher training certificate course that prepares students for teaching Yoga techniques to healthy adults and children. The course covers theoretical and practical aspects of Yoga. The syllabus also consists of experiential learning of unique techniques & concepts pioneered.
The comprehensive teacher training course for Yoga covers core principles & philosophical foundations of traditional Ashtanga Yoga (Eight Fold Path Yoga). Ideal for Yoga novices it covers an introduction to the study of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, and Gheranda Samhita. Further, complete immersion into practical experiences of the principal Yoga asanas, pranayamas, kriyas, concept studies, the methodology of teaching, etc. are covered. Yogic Concept of Diet and Nutrition. Detailed anatomy and physiology classes conducted by Yoga experts will cover theory and practices.
After doing this course:
•You can teach basics of Yoga/ common Yoga protocol developed by Ayush Ministry.
•You get knowledge prevention of diseases and promotion of health.
•You can conduct Yoga practice /classes in parks, societies, RWA etc.
Certificate course
for Diet Consultant

Syllabus for certificate
course for diet consultant
3 month ( 3-5 days in a week)
Timings on call
1st Unit 20 hrs.
Basic Nutrition
• Balance diet
• Macro nutrients
• Micro nutrients
• Water
2nd Unit 40 hrs.
Food Groups
• Cereals
• Pulses and legumes
• Fruits and vegetables
• Milk and its products
• Egg, Fish, Chicken and Mutton
3rd Unit 50 hrs.
• BMI Calculation
• Calorie requirements of different age group according to BMI
• Calorie content of different food
• Calorie conversion
• Meal planning
4th Unit 60 hrs.
Therapeutic nutrition
• Diet planning according to health issues
• Hypertension
• Diabetes
• Thyroid and Hypothyroidism
• Tuberculosis
• Typhoid
• Gastritis and Crohn’s disease
• Pregnancy
5th Unit 30 hrs.
Basic yoga for wellness
• Introduction to Yoga and Yogic Practices.
•Yoga : Etymology, definitions, aim, objectives and misconceptions.
•Yoga : Origin, history and development.
•Benefits of Yoga asana, pranayama and Dhyana
•Benefits of Yoga Asana and pranayama according to lifestyle diseases
One month foundation
course of yoga

1 Month ( 3-4 classes in a week)
Timings on call
Introduction :
Foundation Course in Yoga is an introductory course in Yoga to enable individual to gain expertise on common yoga knowledge and practices. This beginner level course covers fundamental teachings of traditional Yoga. The different sessions spread explore textual, contemporary, and practical study of Yoga’s history, types, philosophy, spirituality, scientific aspects, and application. It follows a holistic integration of theory, chanting, and practice (including postures & breathing) into a unique online & offline learning model.
What will you Learn?
•Fundamental understanding of Yoga in present times
•History of traditional Yoga: different schools, gurus, and methods
•Philosophical dimensions: Introduction to Indian Knowledge Systems (Vedas, Upaniṣada, Srimad Bhagwat Gita)
•Introduction to Patanjali’s Yoga darsana and other Classical Yoga Texts
•Aṣhṭanga Yoga – Yama – Niyama, Chitta Prasadanam, Hatha Yoga: Relevance in mental well-being
•Scientific dimensions: Yoga Psychology, Yogic Therapy, Anatomy and physiology
•Application: Yoga and Value Education
•Chanting: Glimpses from Santi mantras, Bhagwat Gita Shlokas, Patanjali Yoga Sutras
•Practices: Asanas (postures/ alignment), Praṇayama (breathing techniques).
One month certificate course
in Advance Yogasana

Syllabus for One month certificate
course in Advance Yogasana
1 Month ( 3-4 classes in a week)
Timings on call
Introduction :
This is a special course. You have an opportunity to practice in a smaller, supervised group of students, under the guidance of a senior teacher. It will help to improve your practice and take it to a new level.
This special program is meant for all those who have completed the Beginner practices for 1-3 months regularly. There will be an opportunity to work on various postures and improve them, and also test out more asanas and variations to basic postures.