How to boost your Immunity during Covid-19?

Since everyone is facing a global pandemic, it has become a need of the hour to take care of yourself and boost your immune system. Doing exercises, taking medicine, eating a proper diet, and staying fit are some of the ways. Yoga plays a very significant role because not only does it boost our immunity but also helps us energize, de-stress, keep our mind calm and build body strength.

The World Health Organisation have prescribed various diet-related guidelines and the key takeaways are as follows:
•Prioritize fresh food products-Eat fresh fruits, vegetables, and homemade food only.
•Be aware of portion sizes: Eat small meals regularly to reduce the burden on the digestive system.
•Follow safe food handling practices: Good food hygiene by keeping hands, kitchen, and utensils clean.
•Limit your salt: Only a 5g intake of salt is recommended by the WHO.
•Limit your sugar intake: Say no to sugar-sweetened soft drinks, shakes, and juices.
•Consume enough fiber and other Important nutrients: Eat food rich in fiber to stay full & Vit. C, Vit. B, Vit. E, Protein, and Zinc to boost immunity and maintain overall health. The food that you eat plays a very significant role in determining your overall well-being. A healthy and good diet can help to improve your immune system and reduce the chances of diseases.
•Stay hydrated: Increase water intake to ensure good hydration, reduce caffeine intake.
•Avoid alcohol: Zero alcohol intake as it may lead to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), a severe covid-19 complication

Regular practice of yoga strengthens our body and improves our natural defense mechanism. Here we have listed some of the best yoga asanas you can do every day along with following a proper diet to boost your immunity:

•Dhanurasana- It is a combination of the Sanskrit words: Dhanur(bow) and Asana(yoga position). This is one of the most effective yoga asanas because it aids in relieving you from stress. It puts pressure on the digestive system which improves the flow of white blood cells. The white blood cells play a very important role in fighting diseases and boost the overall immune system. This pose improves the functions of the lungs which help fight any respiratory ailments.

•Paschimottanasana- This yoga pose gets its name from a combination of three Sanskrit words: paschim(west or the back part), uttana(straight), and asana(posture). Along with boosting the immunity levels, this yoga asana helps in maintaining the body and mental strength. This asana can be done by any age group to keep the brain calm and improve the functioning of the body. It is also very helpful to get relief from stress, anxiety, and headache.

•Chakrasana- Chakrasana gets its name from the Sanskrit word ‘Chakra’ which means ‘wheel’. It is a yoga asana in which the chest expands and the oxygen level increases in the lungs. It involves flexing of the back which aids in strengthening the spine. This asana reduces tension and stress in the body.

•Ushtrasana- The Sanksrit word “Ushtra” means a camel and asana means a yoga pose. This asana is a very important posture that helps to improve the immune system of the body. It aids in increased oxygen supply to the body and extends the chest as well as lungs which improves the lung capacity.

•Bhujangasana- The name of this asana is a combination of the two Sanskrit words ‘bhujanga’(cobra) and ‘asana’(posture). It is a powerful asana that involves bending of the back and helps the expansion of the chest. It strengthens the body, improves blood circulation, and reduces strength and fatigue. This pose stimulates the digestion system, and that fuels the immunity of the body.

Yoga should be done regularly because it will naturally boost and support your body’s immunity. Yoga reduces your stress level, gives flexibility to your body, and releases toxins from your body.
Apart from this, two more things should always be kept in mind for boosting your immune system:
•Proper Sleep- When you sleep, your body releases infection-fighting antibodies and various protective proteins that help boosting your immunity. Getting good quality sleep is very important for the body.
•Quit Smoking- Smoking is very injurious to our health and harms our immune system. When you quit smoking, your blood circulation and oxygen level improve.

1 thought on “How to boost your Immunity during Covid-19?”

  1. Thanks for sharing the information. It is very useful in this covid situation.You can also try this 6 Immunity Boosters To Boost Your Immunity Naturally

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